
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Testing & School Inspections
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Testing & School Inspections

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Weekly Recap: Meetings, delayed opening, and more
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Weekly Recap: Meetings, delayed opening, and more

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Back to School
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Back to School

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
To delay or not delay school opening, that is the question!
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: To delay or not delay school opening, that is the question!

Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Back to School
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Back to school

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Depression

Monday Jul 06, 2020
A Father's View
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: A Father's View
Today's guest: Fred Rodriguez - Connor's Place (https://www.connorsplace.org/)

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Speak Out - Summer School, Personal Care, Returning in the fall, & Town Halls

Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Speak Out
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Speak Out - Open Dialogue

Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Speak Out - Open Dialogue
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Sunday Jun 14, 2020
Welcome to our podcast. Once a week, four moms will share their journey with you. We will invite friends and professionals to share their experiences and recommendations.
We want to hear from you because every journey doesn't look the same. Have a question? Want to hear from a professional? Have words of encouragement? Want to be part of the podcast? Email us at OurView@perfectpop.org
Visit www.perfectpop.org/from-the-podcast for a list of resources.
Purpose of the podcast:
- It provides a relatable voice for parents of children with disabilities.
- Includes information and direct contact with persons at the DOE for support regarding special education/related services in NYC.
- Provide entertainment for the masses.
Today's Topic: Speak Out - Open Dialogue